chaahl-kes' : it's sandy
kwo'-ror' : candlefish (look in the sealife unit for pic)
mokw-chech : night fish
heyhl-kue-sleg : surf fish
heykw-sa' : grey whale
key-ges : dried surf fish
key'-ween : eel
hey'-woy : surf fish in the basket
for review:
charkoo dried fish head, gills
chechekw fin of fish, bone of fish, small fish bones
chege'l seaweed, edible seaweed, sea lettuce, Porphyra, wide summer seaweed
cheguen fallfish, king salmon
chek'or periwinkle
chenoh red cod
chkwohl steelhead
chperger' razor clam
hehlkuesleg live surf fish, smelt
hekwo'l butter clam
hekwo'l so'n oyster
heweeye'm dentalium shell, 2 inch
he'woy surf fish
hlpergerp' flounder
herrner' barnacle
kaames evil water creature, shark
kahkah green sturgeon
keges dried surf fish
keptoh horseneck clam, Washington clam
ke'ween eel
knewolek sea serpent
koyaak'w starfish
ko'ses crab
kergerpeehl dentalium shell, 2 1/2 inch
kerhkerh small turtle
kerhlkerh small turtle, crab
kuernkuern the inside of a salmon's head, gristle in salmon's head
kwo'ro'r candlefish
kwerrmeech black chiton, poor man's abalone, soft-shelled abalone, China slipper
lekeeta' backbone (of fish), spine (of fish)
lohtuen lingcod, snapper
mekwcheg snail
meskwerek the poisonous entrails of an eel
metkoh gumboot chiton, poor man's abalone, soft-shelled abalone, China slipper
me'woo a fish (sp.)
meeeks raag back string of an eel or sturgeon
mokwchech nightfish
merner's fish skin
mer'lues a small bony river fish, sucker fish
mer'erx gills
neneepek'w sucker fish
neneepuech' sucker fish
nepe'weesh fish (generic)
nepe'woo the first salmon to run (up the Klamath river), a variety of fish, different kinds of fish
nepuy salmon
nospew skate, a mythological character
nerrgr barnacles
paamew octopus
paamoh kelp (seaweed)
paamues octopus
peeshkaahl nee ha'aag 'ue-mep'o sea moss type
peeshkaahl nee ke'm seafood
peeshkaahl nee regook sea trout
peeshkaahl 'o koh seafood
peeshka'eek nee ke'ween moray eel
peesh'on scale of fish
pee'eeh mussel
pee'eeyers fresh-water clam, razor clam
perger'erh sea boots (a sea creature)
perrnekeesh dead eel in water
per'erk dried mussel
regok trout, "sometimes translated trout and sometimes minnows"
rohtuen bullhead (fish)
sa'ro' sea anemone
sech dried strip of salmon, dried salmon fillets
sechkes dried strip of salmon, dried salmon fillets
seksoh shell of any shellfish, sea shell
sekwsew quahog clam
sloyhl dried eel
smeyes white sturgeon
tegeto' sea eggs (sea urchin)
tego'oh dentalium shell, 2 5/16 inch, a mythological character
tektome'l white salmon
tekwsa'r heart of salmon, uvula
terhkuen fish head, salmon head
terkwterm dentalium shell
tuuek tail of fish, salmon tail
twerrnee'sh spawning salmon
wahkwehl perch (fish)
wechew sea urchin
wegah dentalium shell, 2 1/8 inch
woolew spawn or eggs of several fish, sturgeon eggs, sturgeon roe
werhlkeehl kelp
yer' abalone shell, haliotis
yer'erner' abalone shell, haliotis
'aamoh sea eel
'ohpos king salmon
'erncherh abalone shell
'uep'es backbone of fish (taken out and dried)
'uep'oy salmon sperm
'wa-rpeesh its nape (of a salmon)
'wahtey sea moss, kelp (seaweed)
'wechoh sea eggs (sea urchin)
'wo'hlp'e'y angelica root, bitter part of a fish
'weryken fat part of fish between fins and gills
'yerrner' barnacle, shell of shellfish