aiy-yoh : *shocked* "oh my!"
*used with different levels of intensity to express severity
nee-sho'-oo : oh, sh*t! bullsh*t!
cho' ney-gey! (variant: ney-goo) : curse word, f*ck off!, fighting words
*with angry tone
k'e-me-teek! : your ass!
*with harsh tone
ya'-ah : *disgust*, *gross*
kues kwe-nee' wee' son'
tee'-nee kwe-nee sho?! : What the hell is it?
haiy-eee : *brrrrr*
'e-luue : *it's hot*
'e-gaa : *ouch!*
*used with different levels of intensity to express severity
'we-so'-oo : (curse word) trying to offend someone, you would owe payment for saying this, the worst thing you could tell someone
cher-rek'-week 'we-son' : hellish
cher-rek'-week nue soo-t'os : go to hell!
'err-naa : *umm*, *uhh*, hesitating in speech
*wee' 'we-naa : tip of your tongue, trying to think of a word
chee-nah : *git* (to a dog or a person that is not acting with sense, acting crazy or on drugs/alcohol)
me-teek nue ma ney-geeen' : *ughhh* you're looking with your as*hole!
k'ey-luehl! : watch your mouth! Shut up!
*with harsh tone
k'e-tey-wey : *annoyed* you're looking with your forehead (not your eyes)
'aa-wok : *solemn*, "poor thing"
*used when mentioning the name of someone who has passed on
peesh : there you have it
yah-hech : *haha*, that's what you get, when a person receives natural consequences for their behavior
yah-ha : used when someone is being an attention seeker
tos : *term of endearment* child!
che-wah : here you go